
What Increases Your Need For Vitamins and Minerals

What Increases Your  Need For Vitamins and Minerals? When you perspire,  when you take diuretic drugs (such as high blood pressure medication), or have diarrhea, you lose an abnormal amount of water-soluble vitamins.  Stress and exertion also deplete the body of these valuable nutrients. Actually, our supply of these vitamins is constantly being diminished by the activity of our own bodies. Therefore, if we are to maintain even reasonably good health, these vitamins have to be replaced on a routine basis. A variety of factors can cause a person to expend, excrete, or mal-absorb certain vitamins and minerals like *tobacco use *prescription drugs *sugar intake *antibiotics *antacids *surgery *diuretics *fluoride *polluted air *extreme heat *cortisone *estrogen *rancid fats *aspirin use *tranquilizers *sickness *laxatives *pesticides *pregnancy *lactation *salt *emotional strain *mineral oil *sleeping pills *accidents *polluted water *food additives *extreme cold *oral contraceptives *chl

Know Your Vitamins 1

How much of your vitamins do you understand? Vitamins Vitamin is a group of organic compounds that, in very small amounts, are essential for normal growth, development and metabolism. With a few exceptions, they cannot be synthesized or made in the body and must be supplied by the diet. Vitamins are produced by living material, such as plants and animals, as compared to minerals that come from soil. Lack of sufficient quantities of any of the vitamins produces specific deficiency diseases. In fact, if a substance does not produce a deficiency symptom when it is removed from diet, it is not considered a vitamin. Each vitamin functions in many diverse roles and always with other essential nutrients. They participate in a variety of life-building processes, including the formation and maintenance of blood cells, hormones, all the cells and tissues of the body, and even the creation of our genetic material. Vitamins contain no calories. They are not used as sources of energy as some believ

Green Tea, The Body's Natural Antioxidant System Enhancer

Green Tea, The Body's Natural Antioxidant System Enhancer Green tea is a safe  and healthy drink with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties. Green tea compounds not only directly scavenge free radicals but enhance the effectiveness of the body's natural antioxidants systems. Green tea contains numerous cancer-fighting polyphenol compounds, including the antioxidant flavonoid catechin. Studies indicate that green tea may help protect against cancers of the lungs, skin, liver, pancreas, and stomach.  It also work as weight-loss agent by increasing fat metabolism and regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. Green tea also boosts heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the tendency of blood platelets to stick together. Green tea contains caffeine, which occurs in small amounts (average of 20 to 30 mg per cup, if brewed for two to three minutes). This is much less caffeine than in coffee, however; a cup of coffee typically contains more than

How Are Your Sleeping Patterns?!

How Are Your Sleep Patterns?   Can't Sleep Well? Do you wake up in the morning and bound out of bed, or is getting out of bed to face the day difficult for you? If the latter is true, why do you feel this way? Are you having problems sleeping, or is it that life is becoming so stressful you just can’t sleep?   Our ability to remember things is greatly diminished by lack of sleep and much of the difficulties we face when tired is the result of these difficulties. We find it difficult to maintain emotions under these conditions, and when combined with the lack of perception, we can find problems seem much worse when we are tired and interpersonal problems with family and friends become issues we prefer not to deal with under these circumstances.   Addressing the sleep disruption pattern is something we all know we should do, but few of us take the initiative to improve our emotional and physical wellbeing. We tend to stay in the cycle and try to deal with our lack of en

How to Get Rid of Cellulite Health Condition

How to Get Rid of Cellulite   If you are a woman, it is highly likely that you have had, do have or will have cellulite at some stage in your adult life. 90% of all women develop it and contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with obesity. Many women who develop the condition have a healthy range BMI (Body Mass Index).   Cellulite is created by pockets of fat trapped beneath the surface of the skin producing the all too familiar dimpling of the skin that some describe as like orange pill in appearance. Although it is predominately a female condition, some men do develop the condition. It occurs predominately in the areas of the body containing the largest number of fat storage cells, mainly the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.   A good diet and regular exercise will not stop cellulite formation; however, it does improve its overall appearance. It tends to be more obvious in overweight women. Women around the world spend money and time trying to eliminate or prevent

What DOES 'BEING HEALTHY' Really Means?

So Many People ASK Me 'What Being Healthy Really Means?' So I decided to answer that question today..... Health to most people means, “not being sick.” People who are ill are considered to be in “poor health.” For these people, health is simply the absence of sickness. There is another more comprehensive view however, held by groups like the World Health Organization and the International Scouting Movement that suggest that true health is not only physical wellbeing, but also includes, mental, social, spiritual and intellectual wellbeing. In today’s society, there is a lot of emphasis on maintaining physical health, but most people spend little or no time looking after these other areas of wellbeing. If we are going to measure how healthy we are, we must consider how we are looking after the “whole of us” and not just our bodies. Being healthy means taking time to consider those areas of our lives that we do sometimes neglect and finding ways to care for them. Research has sh

Vitamins Rich Fruits You SHOULD CONSUME DAILY!

Hi Guys 👋 Good Morning It's Shopsy Nutrition Here Again! As We Start This New Week, As Your Dietitian I am excited to tell you about Vitamin-rich Fruits You Should Consume Daily At a time when many people focused on eating well and reducing weight by improving their diet, the importance of eating fruit is well researched and documented. For those who want to lose weight, many of these fruits provide plenty of Vitamin C, a known fat burning vitamin. In the past, this has led to the development of popular fruit based diets like the grape fruit diet, but there is no requirement to restrict other nutrients to lose weight and fruit forms and essential part of all good weight loss plans and should form part of any healthy lifestyle. Vitamins are essential for normal body function. They affect metabolism, human growth and development and a healthy immune system. They are only required in minimal amounts, and the body either stores or excretes excess amounts in the urine. Fruits contai