What Increases Your Need For Vitamins and Minerals

What Increases Your  Need For Vitamins and Minerals?

When you perspire,  when you take diuretic drugs (such as high blood pressure medication), or have diarrhea, you lose an abnormal amount of water-soluble vitamins. 

Stress and exertion also deplete the body of these valuable nutrients. Actually, our supply of these vitamins is constantly being diminished by the activity of our own bodies.

Therefore, if we are to maintain even reasonably good health, these vitamins have to be replaced on a routine basis.

A variety of factors can cause a person to expend, excrete, or mal-absorb certain vitamins and minerals like
*tobacco use
*prescription drugs
*sugar intake
*polluted air
*extreme heat
*rancid fats
*aspirin use
*emotional strain
*mineral oil
*sleeping pills
*polluted water
*food additives
*extreme cold
*oral contraceptives
*chlorinated water

Any one of these factors above can cause the body to need an increase in vitamins and minerals...and most people today encounter one or more of these factors on a daily basis.

Also there are some other important factors in our modern lifestyle  that affect our health

*the kinds of food you eat.

*how these foods are prepared, processed, preserved, sprayed.

*the physical, mental and emotional stress you experience.

*the environment in which you live and work and the contaminants to which you are exposed.

*your unique, individually determined biochemical heredity pattern or genetic code.

*the type and amount of exercise you do, or do not do.

*the quality of soil in which your food was grown.

*the type of water you drink- tap water is full of impurities, distilled has had all the minerals removed.

All these factors affect your unique requirement level for any particular vitamin or mineral.

If you have been trying and can't get it all from your diversified well-balanced diet then it's not bad to supplement, yes supplement for the B and C vitamins especially. As the diet we think about as being well-balanced has been altered one way or the other and can not be compared to those days of our farm-fed ancestors.
Remember those days our great grandparents came from the farm, where they performed hard physical labor all-day and consumed between 4,000 and 5,000 calories per day. They got their milk right from the cow and their fruits and vegetables from the garden. They ground their own whole grains and ate five or six times a day. They did not need extra vitamins or minerals because they received enough of these nutrients from the large amounts of natural and fresh foods they consumed. 

Most of us today cannot consume those large amounts of natural and fresh foods like our ancestors We do not do as much physical labor, we are mostly sedentary (we enjoy sitting all day and some of us our jobs caused us to be this), so we cannot burn the extra calories then we will gain weight.

The food we eat today varies considerably in the amount of nutrients it contains, the way it is grown, the chemicals sprayed on it, how it is processed, and very often, in the way we store or prepare foods in our own kitchens.

Our farm-fed ancestors did not eat the processed, man-made, chemically enriched, synthetic fast food we consume today.

For the most part, they (farm-fed ancestors) did not need large servings of fruits and vegetables in their diets as we need now.

The foods of today are not the foods of our ancestors. So please ENJOY TAKING PLENTY vegetables and fruits as that small/no amount you managed to take will not provide those essential vitamins and minerals. 

The more you take the vegetables raw in your plate, the better the nutrients gotten for your immune system function.

You need more talk on this, consult your favorite dietitian today.



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